Privacy Policy
Promaterials Inc recognizes the importance of the personal information acquired through active conduct of business, performs suitable management and employment, and strives for protection of personal information.
- We recognize the importance of personal information protection; and we will strictly conform to the "Personal Information Protection Law" and other related laws and ordinances, as well as appropriately manage the safety of personal information.
- We will clarify the purposes of using personal information acquired, and use that information only for those purposes. Furthermore, information will be completely and properly deleted after the purposes are accomplished.
- When we consign to outside entities of handling personal information, we will select entities who are considered to safely handle personal information. We will appropriately manage and monitor those entities by having them take responsibilities on confidentiality, safety, and prevention of re-consignment of personal information through contracts and other methods.
- We will not disclose, provide, or transfer personal information we hold to third parties without consent of himself/herself, except when required to do so by law or for any other reasonable reasons.
- We will carry out suitable security measures to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, alteration, damage or misuse of personal information.
- We will make this policy well known to our officers, employees, temporary staffs, part time workers, and others engaging in our business, and carry out appropriate training on this matter in a timely manner.
- We will strive to continuously review and improve this policy and also manuals, systems, and other items concerning personal information protection.
- Please contact us as noted below for inquires on personal information handling, management, applications for disclosure, and other related matters.
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